In this condition assessment package, we will assess the condition of the total insulation system of an electrical rotating machine consisting of high-voltage generators.

The main objective of this condition assessment is to generate a report which gives the information to achieve the following tasks


  • To arrest the deterioration in performance
  • To improve the availability, reliability, efficiency and safety of equipment.
  • To regain lost capacity
  • To extend useful life beyond design life and save investment on new equipment.

Condition Assessment Technique can be implemented as per the following techniques listed below, which will assess the condition of the Machine Insulation System in total. The various techniques are detailed below.

1. Visual & Endoscopic Inspection
2. Insulation Resistance &  Polarisation Index
3. Tan Delta & Capacitance Test
4. Partial Discharge Analysis
5. Digital ELCID Test
6. DC/AC High Voltage Tests
7. Wedge Deflection/Mapping Test
8. DC Winding Resistance
9. Natural Frequency Test
10. Coupling Resistance Test
11. Rotor RSO Test
12. Rotor AC Impedance Tests
13. Exciter Tests
14. Diodes & Fuses Tests


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Prognosys EMS(P) Ltd.,
1st floor, Subishi town center,
Mokila, Shankarpalle Road,
Hyderabad, Telangana – 501203.